Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
The ‘Reddito di Residenza Attiva’ project pays residents €20,000 ($22,000) to relocate to mountainous locations in Calabria with tiny populations below 3,000.
A requirement for applicants includes relocation of residence to the community while establishing a business enterprise. People who relocate their residence to mountain villages in Calabria can obtain a grant worth €1,000 ($1,100).
Groups consisting of people younger than 40 who work and reside in small towns throughout Emilia Romagna can secure a non-repayable aid of up to €30,000 (approximately $33,000). The incentive is intended for working professionals along with families to raise population numbers in sparsely inhabited parts of the region.
At first, even Italian speakers might feel a little lost here. Locals speak a weird-sounding Slavic dialect called Arbereshe.
Perched on a rocky cliff within the wild Pollino National Park, once inhabited by bandits and outlaws, this tiny hamlet of barely 1,000 people is what “authentic” Calabria is all about. Old houses are connected by circular narrow alleys dubbed “wrinkles” and have scary-looking chimneys believed to keep evil at bay.
Nature-rich Abruzzo will pay families to move to villages.
The central region of Abruzzo is paying families €2,500 ($2,750) a year to move to villages in mountain areas with fewer than 3,000 inhabitants. At least one family member must transfer their residency to the community and reside there for at least 5 years.
You’ll get the thrill of living in two ancient hamlets simultaneously here.
The original Greeks discovered Samo as their “harbor” while seeking protection on the hills not distant from the coastline. Precacore stands as the best attraction of Samo which emerged straight across the valley in front of the settlement.
From Samo’s main piazza, a winding road departs uphill to the abandoned district. Hikers, tourists and descendants of former families flock here to admire the Greek-Byzantine ruins.
The town of Molise in Italy initiated their own proposal which started in September of 2020.
Under this program people who establish businesses within villages with low populations receive monthly payments of €700 (approximately USD 855) for a duration extending to three years at maximum (totaling USD 27,000 in relocation benefits).
There are about 100 villages that are currently underpopulated as much of the population moves to larger cities to look for work.
Spa town in the Veneto will pay you $22,000 to buy a house.
The hamlet of Recoaro Termi in the Veneto is offering grants of €20,000 ($22,000) for those who purchase or restore a property or €200 ($220) a month towards rental costs. Recipients must transfer their residency to the community.